RT2C is a community-based registered micro-enterprise in the 'Art of Recycling' towards the promotion of sustainable consumption and community entrepreneurship, an urban initiative of SAFE.

Award Won

  1. UNFCCC Momentum for Change, Lighthouse Activity Award, [2014]
  2. Gender Pioneer Award for Detoxifying the Future, UN [Year 2017]
  3. Awarded 10 YFP, UNEP [Year 2017]
  4. Match International Women Fund [2014-2016]

Our Achievements

  1. Community skill training, building capacities, strengthening women’s groups
  2. Awareness campaign for women’s rights, health, and hygiene.
  3. Collaboration with the Indian Institute of Packaging, IIP, Govt. of India.
  4. Creating opportunities with recycled micro-utility products, in an eco-friendly way.
  1. Value addition with exposure visits, training, and enterprise management.
  2. Scaling-up and expansion plans for the generation of master recyclers and leaders.
  3. Program sustainability through multiple stakeholder partnerships and participation.
  4. Strategic impact assessment through cost-benefit analysis and societal auditing.